NLP Coach Ingacademy


Best NLP trainer in India

NLP Practitioner and Coach Program

NLP Coaching Academy, is a premier NLP and Coaching organization which provides the best NLP training experience in India, and the public programs (online live and classroom based), are facilitated by Global Guru Vikram Dhar, who is the founder of NLP Coaching Academy, and is well known to provide the best experience to the participants, as he brings in his knowledge, wisdom that he has learned over a decade+ from the real Masters of NLP and Coaching. Vikram Dhar is rated as the best NLP trainer in India, as the programs that are being conducted by him are experiential, allowing participants to gain maximum out of the program.  Our NLP Practitioner and ICF Coach program that we offer is the only program in Asia, that is approved by ICF, ABNLP, and IAPCCT, providing the participant a well rounded experience of NLP content, application of NLP in the personal and professional life, and also how to become proficient with NLP Coaching. 

NLP program accreditation is an important factor when it comes to NLP training. Our NLP Practitioner program is affiliated with American Board of NLP (ABNLP), and with International Society of Neuro-Semantics, and with International Association of professional coaches, counselors, and therapists (IAPCCT), and coach program is approved by International Coaching Federation (ICF). This is the highest rated NLP Practitioner program in India, and the online live training is attended by participants from all over the world. If you are looking for ICF Coach Certification in India, then you must consider to attend this program. 

Vikram has trained participants from over 55+ countries, and is one of the most qualified NLP trainer, coach trainer, and mentor coach in the world. If you want to learn NLP in a great setting, and want to learn authentic NLP, then you can consider doing it with us. 

Our coach programs can help you get ICF ACC, ICF PCC level credentials, which are the basic and advanced level Coaching credentials. ICF is the gold standard of coaching, and hence, becoming an ICF coach is a very good value proposition to get started as a Coach.  If you are series about NLP and Coaching career, then you have to go for a Coaching track now as NLP Coaching is mainstream now, and NLP framework to coach is the most effective ways to coach by coach being masterful.  

NLP based coach programs are game changers for existing coaches, and new coaches equally. For existing coaches it provides a robust personal change work framework that they can use for self coaching, and adding extra tools to work with their clients, and lead to masterful coaching. New coaches, if you are starting with NLP as base of your coaching, then you can easily integrate coaching and personal change work in a coaching format. This is behavior based coaching, leading to great reflections for self and for the clients.  

When you are learning a topic like NLP, which has the potential to be a game changer for you, then you need to invest your time, your resources with the best NLP training in India, and there is no one better than Vikram in India to create that experience for you.

If you are serious about your coaching career, we look forward to seeing you in one of our programs.


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