UG Bodybuilding


Bodybuilding forum Misc

1. Get Big And Ripped Twice As Fast

This comprehensive guide shows you how to engineer every aspect of your nutrition, training, and recovery for maximum effectiveness and minimum time expenditure. Get precise about getting ripped!

2. Build Better Abs Faster With These 5 Super-Efficient Routines

With individual workouts dedicated to muscular separation, upper and lower abs, endurance and definition, and beginner-level strength, this is the abdominal motherlode!

3. The Chest Workout Even The Pros Fear

It's just four moves—how hard could this workout be? Elite strength and bodybuilding coach Josh Bryant invites you to earn your gains the hard way, using rest-pause, contrast reps, band work, and the infamous Juarez Valley Method dip protocol.

4. Triple Threat 4-Week Fitness Plan Main Page

Why choose between muscle building, strength, and conditioning when you can have them all? Our readers loved this intense, varied program created by RSP athletes Keion Dorsey, the electric Hannah Eden, and the late Curtis Bartlett.

5. The Plateau-Proof Chest-Building Plan

This innovative program, designed in an elite lab by exercise scientist Christopher Barakat, has it all: A comprehensive shoulder-saving warm-up, solid benching, and enough accessory and pump work to ensure you add size, strength, and leave the gym feeling amazing.

6. Dwayne Johnson's Rock Solid Body Plan

It's the Rock. Need we say more? Every time Dwayne Jonson publishes a glimpse of his training, from how he benches to how he warms up for leg day, the entire fitness world takes note. Looking for a test this year? Try his high-volume split, if you dare!

7. Kris Gethin's 3 Best Insider Tips For Bigger Biceps

Think curls are just curls? Then you're probably not rocking the arms you want. This is the granular stuff: What to do with your wrist, your hand position, and even your pinkie. Build your biceps like fine art!


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